The cultural politics of food and eating in Poland and beyond:nowy numer "Ethnologia Polona"

Z przyjemnością informujemy, że wydany został kolejny numer "Ethnologia Polona" (vol. 41, 2020). W numerze poświęconym zwyczajom jedzeniowym Polaków (The cultural politics of food and eating in Poland and beyond), redagowanym przez dr Renatę Hryciuk (IEiAK) i Katarzynę Król (PAN) znalazły się między innymi teksty:

  • Why should we care? Two experiences in the politics of food and food research (Agata Bachórz, Fabio Parasecoli)
  • Food-gifting in Gdańsk. Between Food Not Bombs and the Food Bank (Aleksandra Gracjasz, Cristina Grasseni)
  • Cooking with refugees and migrants. Performing authenticity and traditionality for Warsaw’s culinary tourists (Magda Bodzan)
  • Weapons of the weak twisted in jars of love. The transnational maternal foodways of Polish migrants in Brussels (Sylwia Urbańska)
  • "We have all lived and breathed tea." Gendered moral economies of factory tea production in Western Georgia (Katarzyna E. Król)
  • The Edibility Approach, Chemical Ecology and Relationality. Methodological and Ethnobotanical Contributions (Iwa Kołodziejska, Monika Kujawska)
  • Eating healthy, eating modern. The “urbanization” of food tastes in communist Poland (1945–1989) (Katarzyna Stańczak-Wiślicz)

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