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Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology 
University of Warsaw

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Countermovements: Rural Social Imaginaries Confronting Neoliberal Economics and Politics in Southern Poland

Anna Malewska-Szałygin
Year of publication: 
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Taylor & Francis Online
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Informujemy, że artykuł dr hab. Anny Malewskiej-Szałygin, prof. UW "Countermovements: Rural Social Imaginaries Confronting Neoliberal Economics and Politics in Southern Poland" 31.08.2021 został opublikowany na stronie Taylor & Francis Online.

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During the postsocialist economic transformation, liberal economic and political ideas encountered different pre-existing ontologies of power, work and economics in Poland, which were particularly prevalent in rural mountain regions in the south. This different world-making is the basis for a Polanyian countermovement against marketisation. However, the incompatibility of alternative ontologies does not prevent villagers from achieving economic success. These inherited ontologies are stabilising the uncertainties stemming from economic and political liberalisation through family ties and appraisal tools based on the values of rural culture.